Search Results
210506 Virtual Shadowing with Dr. Tavelli
Peri-implant soft tissue dehiscences by Lorenzo Tavelli
210512 Virtual Shadowing with Dr. Draft
210409 Virtual Shadowing with Dr. Rosen
210316 Virtual Shadowing with Dr. James
Virtual Shadowing Session with Dr. Nina Shapiro
Free gingival soft tissue graft around dental implant with dental microscope. Dr. Lin Nai Bang
PSTD Class2 Peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence root cover Giovanni Zucchlli
BioBrief - Prof. Matteo Chiapasco and Dr. Grazia Tommasato
Current soft tissue graft materials and microsurgical techniques for the treatm. of ging. recessions
Dr. Sheina Macadam - REVIEWS - Vancouver, BC Cosmetic Surgeon Reviews
Root coverage with TCAF Tunneled coronally advanced flap